One thing I love about this recipe is that it takes so little time to make. Seriously, what else so delicious takes only 3 minutes to make?! You throw everything into the blender and whip it up.. the blending is actually what takes up most of the time. After that, you get a frothy delicious drink that no one can resist. Similarly, you can pour it into your kids’ cup and call it chocolate milk. They will have NO idea. (eh hem.. not saying I did this or anything)
Here’s what you’ll need
Hemp milk (or coconut milk for AIP)
Carob powder
Blackstrap Molasses (or any nutritive sweetener BYE Splenda)
Coconut butter
Dreamy & creamy dairy free maca latte
Okay, I know you didn’t think I would give you a recipe without some kind of science.. did you?
Did you know that maca is a hormone balancing root that beens used for thousands of years? It has been used in Peru for a looongggg time for things like energy, hormone balance, healthy thyroid function, sexual functioning and PMS. Hollah atcha girl. Remember, I know what it’s like to deal with PMS and it’s nowhere near fun. Luckily, by changing my diet and making lifestyle changes, I don’t experience it anymore. It’s possible! Here are more details about the hormonal struggles I personally went through.
It’s important to get gelatinized maca because it’s easier to digest. Trust me, we need all the help we can get with digestion in today’s toxic environments. The maca goes through a gelatinization process which separates the root from the starch. Subsequently, this makes it more bioavailable and concentrated in the root so, look for gelatinized. Who wants to drink a creamy dairy free maca latte now?
In this study, Maca significantly reduced levels of glucocorticosteroidal hormones like cortisol. Elevated cortisol (elevated stress) leads to inflammation and since chronic inflammation is at the root of all disease, we want to avoid it at all costs!
In case you are looking for some other delicious recipes with maca, here’s a great article!
Sex… wait, what?
Maca is also known to be an aphrodisiac = boosts the mood, if you know what I’m saying. Since it’s native to the high Andes of Peru, it’s a pretty beastly plant. The way plants work is like this:
- they get their seed sown
- the water gets it going
- the rougher the terrain, the tougher the plant
- the tougher the plant, the more powerful it is to us
- as a result, maca is so so powerful
- In other words, God is amazing. Who thinks of this stuff, seriously?!
I mean, who wouldn’t want to spice up their marriage? This root is literally a stress buster and libido enhancer. What could be better? Alright alright, let’s get blending this dairy free maca latte.
Navita’s Organics provided me with product for this post. Thanks for supporting the brands I LOVE so I can keep creating free content for you 🙂

This delicious and creamy Maca Latte is everything you need when you're looking for a coffee fix.. except, it has NO coffee. That's right, it's caffeine free which is important if you're experiencing hormonal imbalance!
- 2 cups homemade hemp milk (coconut for AIP)
- 1 tsp gelatinized maca powder
- 1 tsp carob powder
- 1 tsp blackstrap molasses
- 1 tbsp coconut butter
Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender, top with cinnamon & enjoy!
p.s. you can have it cold or hot

Did you know maca can boost your sex drive?
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