Don’t you love when people constantly ask what you want for gift ideas, I don’t. I often think, “A gift card to somewhere that sells food”, “An in-home massage 7 days a week” or “Unlimited tampons for a year”. You know, the practical things in life. Speaking of the latter, that actually sounds like the perfect gift for any women you know. Buying functional gifts is the best way to give. Seriously, you’re voting with your dollar when you buy practical products.
All too often, gifts are filled with products that aren’t very supportive of our health. Seventh Generation™ created free of fragrance feminine products that will make any lady part joyful. I was at Target looking for gifts when I came across these feminine products made with certified organic cotton and they are free of chlorine processing. With comparable prices, ingredient disclosure and cute naturesque packaging, how could you pass them up? Besides the fact that Seventh Generation™ believes you have the right to know what is hanging around your vagina, their products are:
free from:
– chlorine processing
– dyes and deodorants
– fragrances
Looking down the aisle may seem overwhelming but when you narrow it down to one brand, you’ve got one of each item you need on that blessed week of each month. #SeventhGenerationFemCare even came out with a new product just for YOU! Seventh Generation™ Comfort Applicator Tampons (18 count) are hypoallergenic with a BPA-free applicator and organic cotton. Freaking dream team. Whether you’re like the Niagara Falls or not so much, they’ve got you covered with super and regular tampons. Plus, they are 100% fragrance-free and have leak protection because that would be a little embarassing.
Let’s celebrate
Celebrate your girl, ladies, because she deserves to be celebrated. With such intricate design and high performance, your vagina is a thing that deserves pampering and proper treatment. All too often we focus on what we are putting into our mouths but not about anything else we do with our bodies. Here are a few hacks I used to reduce negative period probs; they’re note worthy so, get your pen and paper to write these down.
1. eat a clean diet with lots of organic veggies, fruits and healthy fats
2. drink lots of liquids (like water – not energy drinks)
3. get out & go! i’ve found working out is a great way to relieve cramps and that blah factor
4. dump negative self-talk. you’re beautiful and this blood is normal, come on!
Next time you’re at Target buying those $1 finds, head over to the feminine care aisles and look for the green leaf on the packaging. You can treat yourself with organic feminine care products with that extra money you saved on those $1 finds! In the photo above, on the bottom left (to the right of the baskets) you can see their organic feminine care products! Not a lover or people or long lines, head over to and be sure to check out the Cartwheel app for all the best deals. Thanks for taking care of you and your health. You’re worth a million bucks so, don’t settle for anything less.
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