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I’m a mother, wife, educator, speaker, traveler and absolutely obsessed with God’s creation.

I'm ashlee!

healthy recipes

Low-Carb Tortillas

If you have ever heard of the word ketogenic you probably either thought “what in the world?” or “nope, not happening.”. So what does ketogenic, or keto, even mean? Well, it is a word that describes a certain diet that people follow, a state your body goes into when starved of glucose and it prefaces the name of some recipes.  I am talking about the 3rd one today. Keto is basically a fancy way to say low-carb. If you know me, you know that I LOVE me some carbs. Bananas, dates, apples, carrots, sweet potatoes & the whole nine yards. Let’s make something clear, I am not recommending the Keto Diet, I am recommending these tortillas. They are dang good and it is wise to watch your sugar intake anyways. Plus, it’s fun to get a little fancy in the kitchen. Plus plus, you’re gluten-free, dairy-free, ketogenic friend will love you forever.

I have tried so many different gluten-free tortillas & they either have a bunch of junk or taste like straight paper. Naturally, I had to create my own. I created these about a year ago, I just never posted them & ran across them today so I had to share them ASAP. They don’t have any fillers, gums, “natural flavors” or baking soda. They are free from wheat, dairy, refined grains & sugar. Whoa, what the heck’s left? LOTS! These little guys hold quite the flavor and there texture is incredible. They even passed the kid test; ding ding ding.

Let’s go over some quick vocab words.
Psyllium husk – This translucent-like substance is a soluble fiber (slows digestion), prebiotic (feeds probiotics), gentle laxative, gathers up all the antagonists in the body & removes them & manages blood sugar.
Almond flour – The gluten-free person’s love. Nutty in flavor, soft in texture & delicious in taste. It packs a mean punch in the health world too. Vitamin E, selenium, magnesium, fatty acids & B12 are but a few.
Sea salt – As opposed to table salt, but why? Table salt is often iodized, highly processed and filled with anti-caking agents. UNREFINED sea salt is minimally processed, making it more environmentally friendly and it retains its grey color and unique flavor. Mind you, salt is salt, both are sodium & both make food taste dang good.

1 1/4 c. almond flour
1 t. sea salt
5 T. psyllium husk powder
1 c. filtered water
2 pastured eggs

-mix all ingredients together & let set until it becomes a gel-like consistency
-roll mixture into 10 balls
-press between 2 (coconut) oiled parchment sheets
-roll out with a rolling pin
-heat your cast-iron (NO NON-STICK) & brown the tortilla’s on each side

excellent articles below:
almond flour

Going Pro-Metabolic for Your Hormones

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