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I’m a mother, wife, educator, speaker, traveler and absolutely obsessed with God’s creation.

I'm ashlee!

holistic lifestyle

Non Toxic Minimalist Baby Registry

This non toxic minimalist baby registry was written before our baby was born and updated when he was 2 months old (MARCH 2021).

One of the first things I told people before we even got pregnant was “never buy us anything without it being on a registry I create or something I have specifically said I want/need”. I am not a stuff kind of person and those who are close to me know items that don’t align with our lifestyle will quickly be donated or returned. Not because I don’t love and appreciate you but because I don’t keep stuff that doesn’t fit into my holistic lifestyle. For example, clothes with sparkles and “princess” written on them will be quickly returned (and they already were, especially since we didn’t even know the gender haha.

Just as I source organic, non-toxic and sustainable food, clothes and products for myself… we did the same for our baby. There is nothing more important than creating a healthy environment for your baby and clothes, baby products and diapering items are full of toxic chemicals. It’s a shame.

It took me HOURS to build out this registry and I hope it’s a fantastic tool and guide for your buying decisions. Don’t get overwhelmed with all the STUFF. Keep it simple and minimal.

Baby Safe non toxic minimalist baby registry

What we looked for in our non toxic minimalist baby registry

There are a few keywords that will make your searches easier as you’re building our your registry or even getting new items for a baby that’s already here! I trust all of these certifications. While nothing is perfect, these are great places to start. As always, read the full label and find brands you know and trust. That’s the only way to be sure you’re getting the best product.

I also made as much of my own stuff as possible when it came to hygiene like this PUFA-free body butter to prevent stretch marks and keep your skin healthy and hydrated!

What we avoided

It’s easy to see our regulatory system in the US is total crap. I mean.. look at our food and medical system. Here are some of the toxins we avoid 100% of the time –

  • phthalates
  • formaldehyde
  • flame retardent
  • heavy metals
  • PCBs
  • chlorine bleach
  • synthetic fibers
  • GMOs
  • petrochemicals
  • polyurethane foam
  • parabens
  • fragrance
  • PFAs
  • VOCs

These are all toxic, unnatural chemicals and materials added to children clothing, mattresses, wipes, diapers and more. There is absolutely no room for them in our home or our baby products. From cancer to rashes, these toxins come with a host of side effects and associations to illnesses. Just say no.

Holistic Home Birth


When it comes to clothing, just as we eat well, what we wear on our skin daily should be chemical-free, non-toxic and sustainable for the earth. I am a big fan of second hand as well as carefully sourced items from small businesses we find. Here are the stores we registered at, what we registered for + some other great places to look for organic baby clothes. Everything is organic so, I’m not going to write the word organic before every item.

We are also in a cold weather climate and had our baby in the dead of winter so, you’ll adjust based on where you are. Ideally, we wouldn’t have any footed items because I don’t like that it restricts movement of their cute little toes but it’s dang cold here!

  • preemie long sleeve onesies (4-8)
  • socks (1 pack of 6)
  • pajamas (4 pairs)
  • stretchy pants (4 pairs)
  • cute daytime long sleeve and long legged onesies (4-6)
  • beanies (2-3)
Brands we love
  • Kate Quinn (code ASHLEE for free shipping)
    • organic line only
    • we stuck with neutrals because we didn’t know the gender
  • Kyte Baby
    • super soft but just know bamboo isn’t a sustainable fiber (regardless of marketing!)
  • Goumi Kids organics

We quickly learned that newborn doesn’t mean newborn. We had to get more preemie items until baby could fit in NB clothes. It’s also a thing that babies grow super fast which is why we didn’t register for a lot of clothing items in those small sizes even though they are SO cute. I also removed all clothes from our registry after finding out my amazing aunt-in-law is the best thrifter of all time and Kate Quinn partnered with me and sent lots of great outfits.


Right away, we started with disposable diapers. I had a dream to do cloth right from the get go but I had some major bouts of lightheadedness that left me bedridden for about 2 weeks after the birth so disposable was simpler. Of course we had to stick with non-toxic and chemical-free diapers just as everything else in our lives. Same for the wipes and any “creams” we got. We didn’t purchase even 1 cloth diaper, all of them were gifted to us by friends and some of you guys from social media! Here are the brands, tips and products we love.

These are the ones we registered for and received from @littleurbanlife and our friend Joelle. All the other ones were gifted to us. ++ we are about to try out Esembly Cloth Diapers. We will keep you posted!


We are exclusively breastfeeding but wanted to get a few items to have on hand JUST incase. Life is wild and we wanted to be prepared. We will not be using pacifiers or bottles but say I had to get my leg amputated or something like that, we would have bottles to put my stored breast milk in and my husband would be far less stressed. I mean, apparently men can lactate too but…

  • Natursutten Glass Bottles
  • Comotomo Glass Bottles
  • Milkbarn Organic Burpees
  • Heart & Land Organic Burp Cloth
  • Green Sprouts Muslin Burp Clothes
  • Nook Organic Feeding Pillow
  • Natursutten Orthodonic Pacifier
  • Natursutten Rounded Pacifier
  • Zip Top Breast Milk Storage Bags (silicone)
  • Mushie Silicone Baby Bib
    • (color) Cambridge Blue
    • (color) Silver Sage
  • Haakka Breast Pump

BEING MINIMALIST || After having baby here with us, I would remove all the burp clothes.

Larger items

Carseats, mattresses and other items on the market are FULL of formaldehyde, flame retardant, PCBs and the list goes on. The last thing I want is my baby being exposed to these environmental toxins. They are dangerous, cancer-causing and something we do not want in our home. Here are the basic items we registered for, keeping it minimal of course.

  • Naturepedic Organic King Mattress
    • I can’t emphasize this one enough, if there is one item you get for your new family IT’S A BIG MATTRESS! Seriously, I hate leaving my house to go to guests now because they don’t have a king for me haha.
    • My code SIMPL15 saves you 15% off site wide
  • Nuna Rava Convertible Car Seat
    • It’s pricier but we got this one because it is good from birth-out of the carseat! We will never have to get another “toddler” carseat, this is the only one we will need. This will save us lots of $!
  • Nuna Sena Aire Mini Travel Crib
    • okay, this was accidentally placed on our registry but it’s been great for guests with babies + I think it will be great in the summer when baby is on the move and I need him to stay beside me!
  • Tadpoles Moses Basket
  • SnuggleMe Organic
  • Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller
  • Kelty Perfectfit Child Carrier

BEING MINIMALIST || Like I said, we don’t need the mini crib but it was gifted to us so we will utilize it somehow!




  • fridababy Nail Frida Snipper Clipper Set
  • Under Luna shampoo/body wash
  • Kate Baby brush set
  • TOWL Organic Hooded Baby Towel + wash clothes


  • Gathre Mini Mat
  • Winyline Muslin Baby Swaddle Blankets (for the birth as receiving blankets, we don’t swaddle)
  • Sustainable Leather Bag (for diaper bag)

For toys, we registered for wooden and cloth toys. Simple. You can see them here.

Where we shopped for our non toxic minimalist baby registry

The Tot

Minimalist baby registry

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Pain-free cycles, peaceful pregnancy, healthy clear skin and actually feeling warm were far off dreams for me just 3 years ago. I couldn’t even imagine having a glass of raw milk or enjoying a bowl of garden salsa (it made me bloated just thinking about it!). Worst of all, I was unsure if I’d ever get to start a family. From being passed out on the bathroom floor from the pain of rupturing ovarian cysts to a vibrant and healthy mom.

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