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I’m a mother, wife, educator, speaker, traveler and absolutely obsessed with God’s creation.

I'm ashlee!

holistic lifestyle

from wix to wordpress

hello friends, i have been in the process of testing out new templates, designing new content and transitioning from wix to wordpress & i am finally here. although wix was great, there were some things that it simply couldn’t do soooo GO WORDPRESS! i hope you enjoy my new site and i’m excited to have you onboard.

it’s pretty self explanatory but there are tabs for my blog, recipes, travel, working with me, events and more. just go clicking around and you acquaint yourself with my new site. remember to comment on things you have questions about, things you like or things you would like to see more of. YOU are the reason i am here and YOU are who i am writing to so don’t be shy, talk to me!

wait, who is this ashlee?

why thanks, i thought you’d never ask. well, i am the health nut blond behind this blog & mission. i have a heart for holistic nutrition and i want to see everyone feeling their best. i’ve been saved by grace and ever since then i have been striving to treat my body with the respect that it deserves. God created us as perfect and blameless creatures, so let’s live up to that. let’s stop putting junk into our trunks (put the dorito down.. walk away) and start eating real living food that is going to nourish our bodies. want to know more about my journey to health, read on!

work with me

i am a recipe developer, menu planner, grocery shopper, pantry cleaner, 1:1(er), supplement orderer, whole foods eater, brand ambassador & product reviewer. i know one of those has to be right up your ally so head over to the contact page & let’s chat! i work with companies like Namaste, Gomacro, The Date Lady & Method.

how i can help you

i am a certified holistic nutrition consultant  based in eastern washington. i meet with clients in person, on Skype, over the phone & even via email. if you have a need, we figure out a way to talk about it. my passion is holistic health (hence the title) and i will help you get yours back. through 1:1 meetings, meal plans, workouts and more, we can work together to solve your problems. you aren’t cancer, diabetes or arthritis, those are just conditions you have. throughout our time together you will notice positive health, energy and mental changes. don’t believe me? head over to my testimonials page to read about individuals who i have worked with, they’re feeling pretty good 🙂

good recipes? prove it.

well then, challenge accepted. the reason i created this blog is because friends and family kept asking me for the same recipes over and over again. they wanted to know how my gluten-free baking didn’t contain cardboard or how my dairy-free ice cream wasn’t a sorbet. so i thought to myself “hmm, i guess i’ll just create a fun place to share good food & tips” and here i am now! on my site you will find recipes that are free from gluten, dairy, soy, artificial colors/preservatives and GMOs. a lot of my recipes are corn-free, vegan, vegetarian, and whole30 approved. i am a lover of smoothies, whether it be in a cup or a bowl, with lots and lots of good toppings. i also love mexican food & dessert so there will be tons of that on here 🙂 don’t you dare say the “D” word while you are here, you know “diet” because there is no time for that. i live a lifestyle that is filled with whole foods, fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, seeds, lots of dessert & the occasional chicken leg.

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Pain-free cycles, peaceful pregnancy, healthy clear skin and actually feeling warm were far off dreams for me just 3 years ago. I couldn’t even imagine having a glass of raw milk or enjoying a bowl of garden salsa (it made me bloated just thinking about it!). Worst of all, I was unsure if I’d ever get to start a family. From being passed out on the bathroom floor from the pain of rupturing ovarian cysts to a vibrant and healthy mom.

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