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I’m a mother, wife, educator, speaker, traveler and absolutely obsessed with God’s creation.

I'm ashlee!

holistic lifestyle

Your Paleo BFF (even if you’re not paleo).

Hey again! Thanks for being here, it truly makes my heart happy to have you back time and time again. This post is sponsored by Savor Tooth Paleo, a paleo pumpkin seed flour-based product from Kellogg, Idaho. Did you know that pumpkin seeds are an excellent food for immune and prostate health? They are also an amazing source of magnesium which is crucial for the production of ATP (energy) and zinc which is needed for appetite regulation, hormone balance and strong nails! Savor Tooth Paleo has an assortment of goods that are user-friendly and perfect for baking nights with the kiddos or your sweet thang. They make a perfect accompaniment to a picnic, potluck, gym bag or work meeting. Let’s get started!

Photo by: Kayleen Gill here         Staged by: Diane Corppets here

Brownies –  Just like their pizza crust, these brownies are pretty straight forward. All you need is a little organic coconut oil, pastured eggs and vanilla (walnuts are optional but we added them!). We also threw in 3 T. maca powder to get that extra boost in there to balance out our hormones. These brownies are at the top of the list of brownies, y’all. The corner piece is always mine and that didn’t change with these because they are crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside. A little bit of happiness for everyone. They taste 10000x better than the ones you get at the grocery store; you know the ones with GMO flour, antibiotic laced milk powder and hydrogenated oils? Do your health a favor and choose these next time you are out and about.

Paleo Pizza – Savor Tooth makes it so easy that you don’t even have to make a crust; they gotcha covered. Their crust is so simple to make and I am talking SIMPLE. All you have to do is top it and put it in the oven. While I was recipe creating for the other recipes in this post my husband made us a delicious pizza with sugar-free pizza sauce, organic medjool dates, grass-fed goat cheese, pastured roasted chicken, organic cilantro, local peppers, nitrite-free local bacon and micro greens from Rocky Ridge RanchYou can make this pizza your own by adding more vegetables, leaving off the meat, switching the red sauce for olive oil or eat it just like we made it because it was pretty delicious!

Chips – I don’t think I have words for how good these are. The fact that I dreamt about them tell you all you need to know other than the nutritional content so, I will talk about that. These crunchy, delicious chips are made from pumpkin seed flour which happens to be excellent for your overall health since they contain phytosterols that gather up all those pesky free radicals. I love to dip my chips in avocado, bean dip, homemade mango salsa or just eat as it. Be sure to portion it out there because you WILL eat the whole bag.. if you do, your secret’s totally safe with me.

Pancakes – Again, simple. If you haven’t sensed the theme yet, these products are user friendly and make cooking that much easier. If you are a normal human being (and not me) you will throw it into the bowl with the required ingredients and have breakfast in 5 minutes. If you are like me, you can customize the heck out of these babies. Add peanut butter, maca, nuts, chocolate, protein, eggs, egg replaces and even matcha. I made matcha pancakes and topped them with almond butter, berries, pecans and Murtopia aged maple syrup.

Granola –  Just when you thought things couldn’t get better you saw the world granola and everything changed. I am not sure what it is about granola but really, who doesn’t love it? Wether it’s the crunch, slight sweetness, nutty flavor or nutrient powerhouse I am not sure but I would say that it is a perfect combo of all of those things. This granola is delicious served over coconut yogurt, matcha n’ice’ cream or with homemade hemp milk. Savor Tooth Paleo uses the highest quality ingredients like maple syrup and organic pumpkin seeds to satisfy your tastebuds.

Click here for my recipe for a delicious Paleo Egg Pizza!

Be sure to follow me on Instagram at @simplholistic for delicious recipe & health tips.
You can also find them on Instagram as well at @savortoothpaleo

Any questions? Ask below!






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Pain-free cycles, peaceful pregnancy, healthy clear skin and actually feeling warm were far off dreams for me just 3 years ago. I couldn’t even imagine having a glass of raw milk or enjoying a bowl of garden salsa (it made me bloated just thinking about it!). Worst of all, I was unsure if I’d ever get to start a family. From being passed out on the bathroom floor from the pain of rupturing ovarian cysts to a vibrant and healthy mom.

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