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I’m a mother, wife, educator, speaker, traveler and absolutely obsessed with God’s creation.

I'm ashlee!


Are You Type A? Come On Over!

I am so excited that you are here because this is about to be the shortest read of your life. Maybe not the shortest but pretty dang short. I am letting you in on a little secret that’s not so secret anymore. If you want to know:

  • what I do for blogging
  • how you can start a blog
  • how you can start a business
  • how to get into a network
  • how to make new friends (seriously)
  • how this….. became this….

1st blog photo

blog photos now!

Click my link below. It will change your life and I say that with confidence because it changed mine.

THE game changer

If you want to know a little bit more about this subject, head over to my other blog post on “side hustles”.

Love you & hope you have a wonderful day.

xoxo Ashlee

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Pain-free cycles, peaceful pregnancy, healthy clear skin and actually feeling warm were far off dreams for me just 3 years ago. I couldn’t even imagine having a glass of raw milk or enjoying a bowl of garden salsa (it made me bloated just thinking about it!). Worst of all, I was unsure if I’d ever get to start a family. From being passed out on the bathroom floor from the pain of rupturing ovarian cysts to a vibrant and healthy mom.

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3 Ways to remineralize and support your hormones

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