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I’m a mother, wife, educator, speaker, traveler and absolutely obsessed with God’s creation.

I'm ashlee!

holistic lifestyle

Bubs eye (part 3)

Tommy’s parents flew in for his triathalon but he didn’t know if he has the strength to race. We hadn’t really slept in almost a week. I encouraged him to do it and so did our little guy.

we shared the story and exchanged details and it was nice to be with family. we cried and planned and tried to be present. my little guy was just playing outside, playing t ball, having snacks and being his normal sweet self. Full of life and faith. His faith is so strong.

I forgot to write that the doctor told us he couldn’t see out of his injured eye. The was hard to heal but we didn’t quite believe it.

on Saturday, we were at a local taco spot and it was a rough day. We were eating (which is hard for me because surprise, I’m also 10 weeks pregnant and couldn’t eat for the last 4 weeks) when a lady walked up to me and asked if I was ashlee. She followed me on Instagram and wanted to come by because she felt a divine appointment. She just had to. She was visiting from Canada and had no idea we lived here. She came to the restaurant by accident and we were running very behind as well. It was all Gods perfect timing. Her daughter lost her eyesight to a neurological illness and recovered it within the last 3 weeks. They came over and prayed over my boy. The amount of prayer this boy has been showered has been unbelievable. We sent each other off and knew it was a divine appointment.

Sunday we went to church and they called us up for the congregation to pray. The whole church body prayed and people spoke life into his eye. Nobody else was convinced the doctors were right either. We just couldn’t believe it. We imagined his eye being blue again in the morning when he woke. We imagined the story of God putting dirt and spit in the man’s eye and restoring his sight. We read about his miracles and we were believing for one with our baby boy.

we have entire agencies praying for him, people in Africa, Mexico, North America, Europe and beyond. He’s surrounded by prayer and we are expecting a miracle.

after church, we were walking through the local co-op and he starts running around randomly going “I feel better!!” And from that moment on, he’s been telling us about how he’s healing. His faith, is so big.

thank you to all those who have sent $$ through Venmo for meals and housing as we were transferred. People wanted to bring meals but we left and they couldn’t + so many are not from where we are so they asked how they could send money. I appreciate those who have sent money and more importantly PRAYERS.

more updates to come

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Pain-free cycles, peaceful pregnancy, healthy clear skin and actually feeling warm were far off dreams for me just 3 years ago. I couldn’t even imagine having a glass of raw milk or enjoying a bowl of garden salsa (it made me bloated just thinking about it!). Worst of all, I was unsure if I’d ever get to start a family. From being passed out on the bathroom floor from the pain of rupturing ovarian cysts to a vibrant and healthy mom.

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