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I’m a mother, wife, educator, speaker, traveler and absolutely obsessed with God’s creation.

I'm ashlee!

holistic lifestyle

Bubs eye (pt 2)

We had a follow up the morning after the surgery. He had been in an eye patch since the surgery and was pretty out of it with the anesthesia still in his little body. We were able to take off the patch and us and the doc were amazed at the healing. His eyelid laceration had almost healed overnight and the swelling was down so much.

The exam wasn’t much, just to make sure we had the correct drops we needed and knew how to care of it as best we could. We also had to make another appointment for later in the week. They told us he’d have an ultrasound in about 3 weeks. It was basically a waiting game and we were pressing the retina wasn’t damaged and against any infection because if it got infected, they told us he’d lose his eye.

Even though he couldn’t open his eyes, he wanted to be with his friends so we went to his little buddies and he just listened to him play. He ate grass fed steak, straus ice cream, potatoes and his normal favorites – all with his eyes closed. His eyes were closed for about 2 days but he was playing games, holding our hands dancing and as peppy as he could be. With bouts of irritability and discomfort of course. He opened his eye around day 3 and man to see his beautiful blue eyes.

the swelling was going down and the bruising had set in but he wasn’t in any pain. praise God. We visited another friend and he came to life that night, playing with friends, coloring, having so much fun and just sharing the story about his eye. He loves to be with friends. It’s precious.

We had his next appointment and knew they wanted to do an ultrasound later but they had it setup when we arrived? They did it then and the news was bad. More bad news. They thought the retina was damaged and saw blood pooling. They told us we’d have to be transferred to Portland to see a retinal specialist. He went over the ultrasound and the specialist agreed. I left the room because I was lightheaded again so my husband took all the bad news. 1) likely damaged retina 2) four surgeries from being to see out of his eye 3) if retina is damaged beyond repair, prosthetic eye. Gosh, I can’t take anymore. Any good news?

we got a call that night, they wanted us in Portland MONDAY for an exam and Wednesday for surgery to remove his lens, take out the pooled blood and look for further damage. They said 2 weeks but now it was a couple days.

praise the Lord we serve a big God. Our only hope in times like these. Times when we’re empty, nothing to give, angry and confused. I never asked why me but I did ask why him. Why my precious babe, lover of animals, filled with the spirit of God. By now, we had thousands praying. Without ceasing. Through the night, all together, alone and with incredible belief. I couldn’t stop praying, it was really all I had the strength to do.

more in the next update

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Pain-free cycles, peaceful pregnancy, healthy clear skin and actually feeling warm were far off dreams for me just 3 years ago. I couldn’t even imagine having a glass of raw milk or enjoying a bowl of garden salsa (it made me bloated just thinking about it!). Worst of all, I was unsure if I’d ever get to start a family. From being passed out on the bathroom floor from the pain of rupturing ovarian cysts to a vibrant and healthy mom.

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