I am back online after a brutal surgery…. not really, it wasn’t that bad (minus the after pain). My mom removed my wisdom teeth and I don’t think I lost any of the brains.. hopefully.
I was stubborn enough not to take pain medication.. So for those of you who are stubborn and refuse the meds, I don’t recommend it but several people told me that as well and look where I am. So instead of telling you to take them I will recommend what to do if you decide not to!
To start, for the surgery I took arnica (6C) and staphysagria (6C) 3 times a day (5 pellets each time). The first night was horrible; I am not going to lie. I was in a ton of pain once the numbness wore off and I probably got a total of 3 hours of sleep after all the waking up, tossing, and pain. The next day I swelled up a little bit on my left side only and come to find out IT GOT INFECTED. Since I hadn’t taken the pain meds I am assuming my body focused more on fighting off pain than infection (but I could be totally wrong there).
Since the area where they made the incision got a little infected I:
1) Rinsed with himalayan pink salt and warm water (don’t swish hard)
2) Put turmeric oil directly on my wounds for about 5 minutes
3) Bought colloidal silver and sprayed it on the infected area 3 times a day (20 sprays)
4) Drank tons of peppermint tea and water
5) Take vitamin E & vitamin C
- I would grocery shop before hand (and be in my own town). I would buy or make soups, chia seed pudding, smoothies, soft things.
- I would start the homeopathic pellets 3 days before the surgery. That way my body would be prepared for the surgery.
- I would not eat chips and salsa with gaping holes in my mouth, or maybe I would. I’m not sure.
2 frozen organic bananas + 1 tsp matcha powder
* blend on a low speed until you get the consistency you want!
you can create any variation for this nice cream. add cacao, berries, coffee, maca, mushroom powders, carob, chocolate or whatever it is that your little tastebuds want!
remember to show some love & tag me in your creations!
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