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I’m a mother, wife, educator, speaker, traveler and absolutely obsessed with God’s creation.

I'm ashlee!

holistic lifestyle

My Thrive Market Favorites

These hormone loving Thrive Market finds are staples in my pantry, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. I call them “actually” healthy foods because let’s be honest, most “healthy” food in markets today is not healthy at all. While you’re here, grab your free copy of my EXACT grocery guide.

My go-to hormone loving Thrive Market finds. Give it a try + you get 25% off & free shipping!

All products in this post are free from –

Here’s a promo code for 25% off + free shipping on your first order. ++ you get a free gift with every purchase, yippee!

What is Thrive Market?

Before you ask, it’s not affiliated with any of the MLMs with Thrive in their name. Thrive Market is a healthy online grocery store. They have over 6,000 products from tightly vetted private and outside brands. The products are 25-50% off retail price. For every membership purchased, they give a membership to a family in need. Then, their personal brand has the best ingredients I have found anywhere. Like.. where can you find coconut milk with JUST coconut and no gums? Here!

Whether you are following a paleo, ketogenic, low-carb (probs not a good idea for hormone health), high-carb, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, etc. lifestyle, they have something for you. What I love most of all is the huge selection of hormone loving Thrive Market finds.

Actually healthy hormone loving Thrive Market finds

Baking & Cooking

Canned coconut milk – BPA & gum free (theirs = $1.99 vs retail $3.29)
Canned pumpkin puree
Coconut nectar
Coconut flour (Thrive Market – Deeplink)
Cacao powder
Cacao nibs

Dressings, Sauces, Spreads & Condiments

Coconut butter (theirs = $4.99 vs retail $11.99)
Coconut aminos (theirs = $4.99 vs retail $8.99)
Ketchup (sugar free)
Grass-fed ghee
Primal Kitchen dressing

Talk about PUMPKIN SEEDS for hormone loving Thrive Market finds. Have you tried seed cycling?

Snacks & Sweets

Coconut wraps
SeaSnax seaweed
Simple Mills – crackers, cookies
Jackson’s Honest sweet potato chips
Coconut Flakes cereal
GoRaw sprouted seeds – pumpkin, sunflower
Chomps meat sticks
Sejoyia cookies
Ona cookies
Evolved chocolate
One Degree Cereal (in the dessert photo above^)

Protein & Extras

Wild Planet sardines
Smoked oysters
Four Sigmatic mushroom powder

Olives and capers are hormone loving Thrive Market finds you can't live without!

Non-Toxic Personal Care

Organic tampons
Fluoride-free toothpaste
Acure shampoo (theirs = $6.49 vs retail $9.99)
Dr. Bronners

Household & Kitchen

Unbleached parchment paper
Biokleen detergent
Reusable food pouch

So, what do you say? Here is your 25% off + free shipping and a FREE gift! What’s the first thing on your list? Don’t miss out on these hormone loving Thrive Market finds!

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Pain-free cycles, peaceful pregnancy, healthy clear skin and actually feeling warm were far off dreams for me just 3 years ago. I couldn’t even imagine having a glass of raw milk or enjoying a bowl of garden salsa (it made me bloated just thinking about it!). Worst of all, I was unsure if I’d ever get to start a family. From being passed out on the bathroom floor from the pain of rupturing ovarian cysts to a vibrant and healthy mom.

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