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How to Get Nourishing Foods in Daily

Okay, so by now you probably know what foods are going to best support your hormones: nourishing your body with organic high quality fat, carbs and protein REGULARLY. But are you kinda sorta eating them here and there (when you remember) or is it a daily habit? Are fast food options sneaking in there because you don’t have time? This post is for you then, because this is how to make sure you get those nourishing foods in daily, which makes a difference!

Build Breakfast Around Protein

If you don’t have time to plan out a different breakfast every morning, it’s totally okay to eat the same thing every morning. You can hard boil a dozen eggs on the weekend and eat them throughout the week. Fresh, seasonal fruit is an easy, no-prep food. Pair that with Greek yogurt (fast and easy) and you’ve hit some protein and carb goals. If you have time but don’t know what to eat; make it a habit. Find your favorite breakfast. Pasture-raised sausage with eggs and a slice of sourdough with honey and a glass of raw milk. Add in seasonal fruit as it’s available locally.

Focus on What You Can Eat

Don’t obsess about carbs or calories or fat. Focus on fuel! Think about how nutrient-dense a food is and then plan your meals and snacks around that. Say to yourself, I want to get my raw liver shots in today and I’m going to chase them with an adrenal cocktail. Wow! You’re getting bioavailable potassium, vitamin c, practically all the b vitamins, copper, salt. Choose grass-finished, locally raised meats. Instead of almond milk or oat milk, source raw cow or goat milk that is packed with vitamin A. Fresh fruits supply tons of minerals in easy to digest form.

Plan Out Snacks

Have good choices on hand. Do not reach for the bag of Doritoes. Some awesome pairings involve – you guessed it – protein and carbs with some healthy fat. Cheese on sourdough crackers. A grass-fed meat stick with fresh fruit. Canned oysters with an adrenal cocktail. If you keep these quick ingredients on hand and pack them in your lunch, it’s easy to get nourishing foods in daily.

Drink Your Nourishing Foods

Yep! You can guzzle your nourishment. I love having adrenal cocktails daily. Find the perfect recipe here. This drink is a game-changer and a great daily habit. The big WHY behind the adrenal cocktail is that it is filled with potassium. You need optimal potassium levels if you want a well functioning thyroid, balanced hormones and your gut to function at 100%. Other beverages that feed your body include raw milk, bone broth (homemade, baby!) and herbal teas.

Lunch and Dinner: Keep it Simple

For your main meals, keep the formula simple by choosing a protein, a carb and a healthy fat. (The healthy fats are often bound up with the protein as in the case of a steak, for example). Think of carbs that are nourishing and filling to add to your meat of choice. Potatoes in any form, masa harina tortillas, properly prepared rice, and fruit are perfect. Keep these staples on hand so you always have nourishing options.

Keep a Meal Plan and Ingredient Prep

By planning out your meals, you know ahead what you’re going to make and can keep your favorite recipes close by and the ingredients in the fridge. Monday is soup night – just choose a flavor. Tuesday is for tacos. Wednesday is a roast. Thursday is leftovers. And check out ingredient prepping to save time and money! Grab a free template here!

Would you LOVE a copy of my hormone-loving kitchen detox guide? Get it here! It’s the exact list of products I recommend! Bonus: you’ll automatically be signed up for future info and goodness!

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Pain-free cycles, peaceful pregnancy, healthy clear skin and actually feeling warm were far off dreams for me just 3 years ago. I couldn’t even imagine having a glass of raw milk or enjoying a bowl of garden salsa (it made me bloated just thinking about it!). Worst of all, I was unsure if I’d ever get to start a family. From being passed out on the bathroom floor from the pain of rupturing ovarian cysts to a vibrant and healthy mom.

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