Get the complete mineral support guide

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I’m a mother, wife, educator, speaker, traveler and absolutely obsessed with God’s creation.

I'm ashlee!

holistic lifestyle

When to Take Supplements

So many people are interested in when, what and how to take supplements. I think this comes from the Western mentality that a pill is going to fix everything, right? I just need ______ and everything will balance out. Sorry, but you definitely want to get tested before you start throwing supplements at hormone imbalance. My needs are different from yours and yours are different from the next person. So you want to test, don’t guess! Getting a HTMA (Hair Test Mineral Analysis) is a great place to start! Apply to work 1:1 with me.

Take Your Daily Supplements

That said, we kind of do want to take “supplements”, but we want to get them from whole foods first! By making sure we are eating a nutrient-dense diet, we are getting in all of the building blocks our bodies need to function well. Plus, getting in enough minerals daily can help push out accumulated iron in the body, which can lead to estrogen problems.

Minerals I Love

Potassium is an important one. I like to aim for 5,000 mg daily from sources like fruit, coconut water and adrenal cocktails. Copper keeps iron moving in the body and I like to get it from beef liver, oysters, or bee pollen. Boron is a crucial trace mineral. I like to add borax to mineral baths, use boron drops or eat boron-rich foods like raisins and prunes. A great source of silacea is diatomaceous earth. Raw milk is a fantastic source of bioavailable calcium, a mineral that is needed by the nervous system and should be balanced by magnesium…more on that below.

Deficiency is a Problem

Magnesium is needed for so many healthy responses in our bodies, but our soils are so deficient! (And if soil is deficient, the food grown in it is too.) Back a hundred years ago, we were getting around 500 mg per day of magnesium through our diet. Now, we are MAYBE getting 175-225 mg per day and that’s for people who are really eating healthy and focusing on it! So, in this case, supplementation is necessary. And I like to stack the forms that magnesium comes in to make sure I’m absorbing all I can: there are spray supplements, additions to the bath and the good old supplement form! Here are two I love and trust:

The Importance of Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one I do like to take because most of the foods high in vitamin E are also high in PUFAs, which is inflammatory and just causes problems when you go crazy eating them. Foods like nuts and sunflower products. Vitamin is is super helpful in regulating estrogen excess in the body because it mimics progesterone and it’s a very important antioxidant that actually counters the effects of PUFAs stored in our tissues.

Back to Basics Before You Take Supplements

Before you go off buying specific supplements to cure this or that hormonal imbalance, make sure you have these basics covered first! When your mineral status is solid, all of the symptoms you were previously chasing seem to disappear. If you’re doing all the things to support your minerals on the daily and still having issues, it’s time to test and work with a practitioner.

Want to know more about minerals and three super easy ways you can support your mineral status today? Check out my free webinar!

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Pain-free cycles, peaceful pregnancy, healthy clear skin and actually feeling warm were far off dreams for me just 3 years ago. I couldn’t even imagine having a glass of raw milk or enjoying a bowl of garden salsa (it made me bloated just thinking about it!). Worst of all, I was unsure if I’d ever get to start a family. From being passed out on the bathroom floor from the pain of rupturing ovarian cysts to a vibrant and healthy mom.

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