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Cool Down with this Grapefruit Blackberry Mocktail

Happy day, let’s celebrate you with this grapefruit blackberry mocktail. All you need is a few simple ingredients and a party of ONE! Or.. you can invite your friends, too.

This simple grapefruit blackberry mocktail is the perfect way to celebrate a birthday, accomplished health goal, pregnancy or family BBQ. However you decide to celebrate, CELEBRATE!

Sip on this Grapefruit Blackberry Mocktail all year long for a refreshing treat.

Here’s what you need

blackberry (organic)

grapefruit (organic)

mint (organic if possible)

lime (organic)

sparking water or Spindrift

1 Lumen Hemp Elixer

*optional raw local honey

muddler & glass jar

More on the hemp shot behind this grapefruit blackberry mocktail

Lumen makes regenerative hemp elixirs that are clean and simple solutions to getting hemp into your diet with a pill or drops. They cold-press the hemp leaves and deliver you the closest-to-nature form of hemp you can get outside of eating the plant itself! They combo the hemp with adaptogenic herbs, anti-inflammatory roots like turmeric and never use any synthetic or chemical solvents! Who’s feeling a hemp shot coming on? I know I am digging it!

Seasonal & DELICIOUS Grapefruit Blackberry Mocktail

Science, it’s what I like

First, let’s talk about grapefruit. This citrus fruit is an amazing addition to your lifestyle since it is so high in vitamin C and lycopene. Did you know vitamin C is for more than your immune system? It is! It helps with muscle synthesis, appetite and so much more. Lycopene protects against free radical damage. Another great part of grapefruit is the pectin which resulted in lower LDL levels (the small cholesterol) in the studies below (2). Juice it and put it in a glass jar in your fridge, it retains 98% of its vitamin C for up to one week.

Next, we have to dig into the details of blackberries; the star of this grapefruit blackberry mocktail. They packed with vitamins that you should consider making a regular part of your diet. Medicinally, they are used as an anti-diarrheal, anti-cancer and anti-diabetic (1). They boost immune health and are filled with both soluble and insoluble fiber. This means you will get that poop moving. Woo for detoxification!

Grapefruit Blackberry Mocktail

Enough talking, let’s sip on this Grapefruit Blackberry Mocktail

Grapefruit Blackberry Mocktail
Servings: 2
  • 1 slice grapefruit per glass
  • 1 slice lime per glass
  • 6 each blackberries 3 per glass
  • 4 each mint leaves 2 per glass
  • 1 shot Lumen Cold-Pressed Hemp Shot 1/2 shot per glass
  • 4-8 oz sprarkling water or Spindrift per glass
  • 1 tsp raw local honey optional
  1. Place all fruit + mint in a glass jar and muddle until well mashed

  2. Pour in 1/2 Lumen shot into each glass (+ optional honey)

  3. Fill to the top with sparking water

Sip on this Grapefruit Blackberry Mocktail all year long for a refreshing and medicinal boost. Come check out the SECRET ingredient, you'll never guess!

Enjoy this delicious Grapefruit Blackberry Mocktail and make sure you add these Seed Cycle Balls to your meal prep list for this week!


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Pain-free cycles, peaceful pregnancy, healthy clear skin and actually feeling warm were far off dreams for me just 3 years ago. I couldn’t even imagine having a glass of raw milk or enjoying a bowl of garden salsa (it made me bloated just thinking about it!). Worst of all, I was unsure if I’d ever get to start a family. From being passed out on the bathroom floor from the pain of rupturing ovarian cysts to a vibrant and healthy mom.

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