When it comes to healing your hormones, you have to focus on healing your metabolism because all health starts there. This is a totally overcomplicated truth and it simply means focusing on the health of every cell in your body because that’s where TRUE HEALTH BEGINS. Here are the 7 pro-metabolic foods I have daily. The 7 foods that helped me get from PCOS in the ER to momma of my precious little boy.

1. Raw grass-fed & finished beef liver
Before you gag, get this, liver is nature’s multivitamin and the only multivitamin I recommend. Beef liver is full of bioavailable protein, copper, vitamin A and iron. All of these minerals are essential for regular painless periods, fertility, bring a baby full-term and overall hormone balance.
It’s important you source from a high quality farmer or brand you trust (code SIMPL10). I look for organic + grass-fed and finished, pasture-raised and regeneratively grown. These things are all important since conventional beef is horribly disgusting, filled with pesticides, glyphosate, hormones, antibiotics and all sorts of other ungodly contaminants.
2. Adrenal cocktail
This one is both hormone-supportive and delicious! Like so dang good. Imagine a dreamy creamsicle and that’s what you get with this adrenal cocktail. It’s a perfect snack to keep your blood sugar balanced in-between meals. Since it has the perfect ratio of protein:fat:carbs.
You can view my post on it here for a full recipe and here’s a recap of what you’ll need:
- raw cream or coconut cream
- hydrolyzed collagen powder
- organic pulp-free orange juice (easier to digest than with pulp)
- mineral salts
- cream of tartar ** optional but a great source of potassium
3. Raw milk chocolate milk
Another one of my favorites! I have this every single morning immediately upon waking up while I’m cooking up the rest of my breakfast. Raw milk – regardless of what the dang FDA says – is a fantastic superfood that deserves so much praise. It’s full of bioavailable vitamin A, vitamin D, magnesium, protein, carbohydrates and fat.
Even my clients and course students who have never been able to handle dairy can get down with raw milk. Why? Because it’s the way God designed milk. Unadulterated, unpasteurized, filled with enzymes and non-homogenized. Of course you should always source from a high quality and well-trusted farm.
For this recipe you’ll need
- raw grass-fed/finished milk
- fermented cacao powder
- organic maple syrup
- hydrolyzed collagen or gelatin (depends on if you have it hot or cold)

4. Grass-fed & finished collagen and/or gelatin
Collagen and gelatin are some of those incredible foods that you can put into so many different things. Soups, gummies, marshmallows, smoothies, juices, milk, brownies, banana bread, cookies and the list goes on. They are excellent supplements for protein and provide a different amino acid profile than – let’s say – a steak!
Since protein is SO important in healing our hormones (when paired with carbs, of course), we need to make sure we’re getting enough. I have it in my adrenal cocktail, chocolate milk, homemade gummies and so many other recipes. These are the only brands I recommend since they are from grass-fed animals that have been raised on pasture with biodiversity of grasses and other plants. They are also the only brands (as far I have researched) with below the level of heavy metals that is “allowable”. Sorry Vital Proteins fans (I used to be one), they didn’t pass the test!
- Thrive Market Brand Collagen Peptides $24.99 for 20 oz
- Perfect Supplements Hydrolyzed Collagen $39.95 for 23.3 oz
- Great Lakes Collagen $25 for 16 oz
- Further Food Collagen Powder $49.99 for 24 oz (3 months supply
5. Homemade bone broth
Bone broth has a different amino acid profile than meat so, it’s great to have with something like a steak or a burger! It’s a total body warming meal, take your temp after having it and you’ll surely see it rise! I love to make my own homemade bone broth for two reasons. One, it’s like 100000x cheaper than store bought. Two, I control which ingredients go into it. So many bone broths have yeast extract, caramel color, iodized salt and unfiltered water. All sorts of crap.
I batch make my own with grass-fed bones from a local farmer and can it so I have it ready to go whenever I need it. I do this a few times a year. I like to have at least 8 oz a day whether it’s sipping broth, in a soup, in ramen of whatever other way I decide. Here’s an IG reel I made on it.
6. Raw carrot salad
This one is needed to bind excess estrogen and toxins like iron and PUFAs in the body and escort them out. If you are detoxifying but never binding and actually GETTING THE TOXINS OUT.. you aren’t detoxifying. So, this is where the raw carrot salad comes in.
All you need is shredded carrots, MCT oil or melted coconut oil, sea salt and vinegar. You can add extras and make it what you like. Perhaps raisins, balsamic, strawberries? The point is – though – to have it daily. 1-2 carrots a day. I started with 1/2 carrot and made my way up, detox symptoms can suck.
7. Organic seasonal ripe fruit
Minerals, minerals, minerals and carbs. Oh how I love fruit. This was one of my favorite parts about living on the beautiful island of Kauai. All the seasonal, ripe and delicious fruit I had access to year round. Now, in the PNW, not so much but I do make use of what I do have and I preserve whatever I can during the summer/fall to I have goodies in the winter. Strawberries + honey are my absolute favorite.
Whether it’s cooked down apples or pears, papaya, pineapple, melons, berries or tropical fruit, just eat more. Have fresh pressed fruit juices. Consume fruit-like vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes. They’re extremely hydrating, rich in minerals and an excellent source of carbohydrates (which aren’t the devil).
Wherever you are
Wherever you are in your healing journey, focus on quieting the noise that the wellness world creates. Avoid the fad diets like Keto, Paleo, AIP, etc. They are restrictive and aren’t getting to the root of what’s going on. Instead of cutting out potatoes and tomatoes, ask yourself why you can’t handle those foods. Instead of cutting out dairy, try raw and see if focusing on your progesterone and thyroid levels helps.
We aren’t meant to live in fear of food. We are designed to enjoy the riches of the earth that God has created for us. If you’re not sure where to start, dive through my blog and then enroll in the Bare Naked Hormones Course! Can’t wait to see you there where you can learn more about the 7 pro-metabolic foods I have daily.

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