
Nutrient-dense recipes, wellness travel, holistic lifestyle + day-to-day tips to support your hormones. How can you be the best version of yourself?

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holistic lifestyle

My Daily Routine to Support Hormones

If you’ve followed me for a while, you know how seriously I take my hormone health and the incredible healing journey I experienced. That’s why a daily routine to support hormones is totally non-negotiable for me. If you’ve been taking in small bites of info here and there, this post puts it all together and…


holistic lifestyle

Pro-Metabolic Eating Out

Yes, it is totally possible to continue to support your hormone health by sticking to a pro-metabolic lifestyle even while eating out! Why is this even important? Because it supports your metabolism, boosts fertility and helps with hormone balance. You work so hard on achieving wellness at home, and you don’t have to let eating…


holistic lifestyle

Reasons to Join a CSA

There are so many great reasons to join a CSA today. What even is a CSA? It stands for Community Supported Agriculture and it’s where a local farm offers weekly shares of the stuff they grow. Usually, you’ll get a box of fresh lettuce, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, basil, and goodies like that. This is a…


holistic lifestyle

Bubs eye (part 3)

Tommy’s parents flew in for his triathalon but he didn’t know if he has the strength to race. We hadn’t really slept in almost a week. I encouraged him to do it and so did our little guy. we shared the story and exchanged details and it was nice to be with family. we cried…


holistic lifestyle

Bubs eye (pt 2)

We had a follow up the morning after the surgery. He had been in an eye patch since the surgery and was pretty out of it with the anesthesia still in his little body. We were able to take off the patch and us and the doc were amazed at the healing. His eyelid laceration…


holistic lifestyle

Bubs eye (pt 1)

I’m documenting the experience with my sons eye for those who have been involved. So you can share it, remember it and stay up to date on prayer requests and updates. Saturday July 8 at the help your farmer event I host through simplholistic, my little boy was attacked by a rooster. It came out…


holistic lifestyle

Bubs eye (part 4)

Many of you have been following along and praying for my sons eye. This is the most efficient way for me to update the literal THOUSANDS of people praying for him. We are humbled and completely overwhelmed by our community across the globe. We left for Portland this morning since we were transferred to a…


holistic lifestyle

Sun Tea for Minerals

Sun Tea is a beautiful way to support your mineral intake during the hot summer months. It’s a better option than plain water because it contains more minerals and nutrients. Plus, you don’t have to boil water on a scorching hot day! What does remineralising even mean? I’m talking about getting the minerals back into…


holistic lifestyle

Get Grounded

Are you struggling with insomnia, chronic pain and insane stress levels? Are you surrounded by WiFi signals and 5G networks and walking around indoors with your plastic-soled shoes? Then you need to get grounded! No, not a time-out in your room like when you were 12. Grounding means making an electrical connection to the earth’s…


holistic lifestyle

The Benefits of Sunlight in the Morning

Watching the sun rise in the morning can help you sleep better at night. Not kidding! The benefits of sun in the morning include increased energy, immune function, better mood and a good night’s sleep. It’s actually called light therapy and the natural sunlight is hands down the best way to get it. Getting morning…


holistic lifestyle

You Can Heal

Did your wellness journey start on Google?  You started searching up symptoms, asking friends what they’re doing.  You went to your doctor but all your tests came back “normal”.  But, still you’re skipping periods, your hair is falling out and you feel like you were hit by a truck by 3 in the afternoon.  You’re…


holistic lifestyle

Wellness Doesn’t Have to be Expensive

Wellness doesn’t have to be expensive. While there are some who believe that it’s a privilege to be well and make healthy choices, nothing could be further from the truth.  Wellness doesn’t have to be expensive and it’s not just for the wealthy.  Nature is healing and it’s completely free for anyone. Let Me Explain…


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Pain-free cycles, peaceful pregnancy, healthy clear skin and actually feeling warm were far off dreams for me just 3 years ago. I couldn’t even imagine having a glass of raw milk or enjoying a bowl of garden salsa (it made me bloated just thinking about it!). Worst of all, I was unsure if I’d ever get to start a family. From being passed out on the bathroom floor from the pain of rupturing ovarian cysts to a vibrant and healthy mom.